Presenting DDoS research at RVASEC 2018

eCrimeLabs is proud to announce Dennis Rand will be attending as speaker at RVAsec 2018 in Richmond Virginia.

"RVAsec is the first Richmond, Virginia, security convention to bring top speakers to the mid-atlantic region.  The conference will be held on Thursday, June 7th and Friday June 8th 2018 at the Commonwealth Ballroom at VCU’s University Commons."

The research presented started originally back in 2016 with analysis of DDoS attacks.

As the research and analysis of data evolved, I discovered that there is a large gap in the Anti-DDoS defenses that are existing today allowing attackers with a minimal of effort and some data mining to bypass the enterprise and ISP based DDoS solutions out there.

Also during the research I was looking through alternate UDP service that could in the future pose a problem and here came upon an IoT protocol, introducing the same possibilities as services designed over 20 years ago.

The problem exists in the still large and growing amount of vulnerable services exposed to the internet. The numbers from April 2018 was close to 19.000.000 IP's that has a potential of being abused.
